I enjoyed studying Psychology as an A/Level. It was deeply fascinating - but when it came to the exam, we were told about a formula that guaranteed a pass mark. It was the formula of how to construct an argument. You have to make a statement. You have to use evidence. You have to conclude this statement. Then start a new paragraph and do the same.
It was pretty cool, because this formula allowed me to get an A in my overall A Level. I was thrilled! Anyway, although I didn't pursue Psychology study further, or use it in my career, from time to time, I like to read magazines like Psychology Today and it often certain statements, research, evidence or conclusions stand out to me because of people or situations I've come across. Here's a quote I came across today and I feel like this is something so many parents make the mistake of doing with their children: Parents who raise narcissists, Ludden says, "present to their kids a world where everything is a competition: There are winners and losers and you've got to be a winner." A healthier approach would be to teach children that "they don't have to be the best, just the best that they can be." This is especially apparent in Indian/Pakistani cultures as I have witnessed this in many relatives/friends circles - they love to compare kids to other kids in their families, as though it is a race to the finishing line. Jeeeeeeeeez. Just calm downnnn. :) Peace.
9/27/2018 02:41:24 pm
Ever since, I was so curious about the explanations of Psychologists about the things that most people find “normal”. Let’s say for example, when you are asleep and suddenly dreamt about falling then you immediately woke up. People like me would say that it is just a normal thing, but Psychologists always have an explanation. It is said that when you are suddenly awakened while you are sleeping, it means that you have unfinished business in your real life. Maybe you forgot about something like calling your mother to ask how she is doing or maybe you forgot to pay the water bill. This is what fascinated me about learning Psychology. I learned that everything that we are doing has a reason.
1/19/2019 05:26:45 pm
It was so nice dating someone who is in the field of Psychology. They did not just study for the sake of academics, but you can really see in them that they have something different in their personality. I admire the way they think about something, I love their perception in life that would make you question yourself too. I love people who are open minded from all things which I guess is very rare nowadays. It was sad to hear that you did not pursue Psychology. I guess you have missed one of the better opportunity.
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