Good things are coming my way in 2018. I know it. I've had a wonderful year so far and I'm super pleased to add another client to my portfolio. This time, I'm working with a network marketing client and this is so exciting for me - I love the whole concept of network marketing and building contacts, friendships and sharing insight.
As a business owner, you don't get paid sick leave. You see business owners working round the clock, even on evenings and weekends and I sometimes wonder - when do they have time for friends, family, or even the odd duvet day for complete and utter me-time?
The prevalence of e-commerce is growing at a fast pace, and there aren’t any chances of slowing down. The old style of brick and mortar business is still making good sales, but e-commerce sales are growing at a faster pace. Before you convert your normal traditional business to an e-commerce only business, you should know what it’s selling entails.
Does the Gender Pay Gap Really Exist? If it does, why does it? Sick of hearing ‘women shouldn’t have babies if they’re going to complain’?
Humans are such sensitive souls. We feel so hurt at the slightest of things. We cling on to hurt and cradle it for a very long time. We punish ourselves for thinking about it constantly. We love showing it to those who we wish to comfort us. But what if we were to look at everything without the emotion of attachment, care, love?
Sometimes you need your soul to take in some words of comfort to heal your hurt. Sometimes you can't confide in friends. Sometimes you want to feel like you are talking to someone about your problems, worries and stresses in life, without confiding in a human being, and you want some confirmation on what direction to take, reassurance on things will be okay - that sort of thing.
Today I'm looking at some quotes to bring comfort, in the way a friend would, but without the risk of being judged, confidences broke, or anything that would lead to hurt/pain. I'm thrilled to announce that I've secured a legal client for my copywriting and content marketing services.
Ever felt like a total mess? Ever wanted to have the perfect social life, balance your home-life, finances, life goals and everything else that comes in between?
I was on my Facebook feed, and I was coming across a friendship quote, followed by travel inspo and it continued like this for about 20 minutes of my scrolling down, until I thought how bizarre... I've compiled my favourite quotes related to these below:
If you knew what you know now, 10 years ago, would you still make the same choices in life?11/17/2017 What do you think?
I've made some mistakes in life, and many of my mistakes have taught me very wise lessons, shaped my character and helped me in other ways. |